Études et rapports antérieurs
Première estimation en Europe
- HARNAD Stevan (2006). Publish or Perish — Self-Archive to Flourish: The Green Route to Open Access. ERCIM News, N° 64 : http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/11715/
Première étude économique
- HOUGHTON John, SHEEHAN Peter (2006). The Economic Impact of Enhanced Access to Research Findings. CSES Working Paper No. 23, July 2006 : http://www.cfses.com/documents/wp23.pdf
Quelques références bibliographiques utiles
- HOUGHTON John, RASMUSSEN Bruce, SHEEHAN Peter, OPPENHEIM Charles, MORRIS Anne, CREASER Claire, GREENWOOD Helen, SUMMERS Mark, GOURLAY Adrian (2009). Economic implications of Alternative Scholarly Publishing Models: Exploring the Costs and Benefits : http://www.jisc.ac.uk/publications/reports/2009/economicpublishingmodelsfinalreport.aspx
- HARNAD Stevan (2010). The Immediate Practical Implication of the Houghton Report: Provide Green Open Access Now. Prometheus, 2010, Vol. 28, N°1 : http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/18514/
- HOUGHTON John W. (2010). Economic Implications of Alternative Publishing Models: Self-archiving and Repositories. LIBER Quarterly, 2010, Vol. 19, N°3/4 : http://liber.library.uu.nl/index.php/lq/article/view/7966
- FRIEND Frédérick, SWAN Alma. How to build a business case for an Open Access policy :http://www.jisc.ac.uk/publications/programmerelated/2010/howtoopenaccess.aspx
- KE. Submission Fees – A tool in the transition to open access? Summary of report to knowledge exchange : http://knowledge-exchange.info/Admin/Public/DWSDownload.aspx?File=%2fFiles%2fFiler%2fdownloads%2fOpen+Access%2fKE_Submission_fees_Short_Report_2010-11-25.pdf
- Workgroup of the GFII on Open Access (2010). Synthèse et recommandations du Groupe de travail GFII sur le libre accès : http://archivesic.ccsd.cnrs.fr/docs/00/49/37/96/PDF/GFII_synthese_final2.pdf
L’avenir des bibliothèques universitaires
BJORNSHAUGE Lars (2012). Open Access – A driver for dramatic changes for academic libraries. Sciecominfo, 2012, vol. 8, N° 2 : http://nile.lub.lu.se/ojs/index.php/sciecominfo/article/view/5674/4928